Channel: Sorted Food
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: ingredients you've never heard ofjellyfishshredded chicken with jellyfishnopaleskokumtaste testingkvass recipefood trends 2022sorted food ingredientsshredded jellyfishcactussorted foodkitchen gadgetskvass drinksortedfood reviewskvassfood trendsfood challengefood trends on tiktokkokum fruitsortedfood reviewsortedfood global ingredientstaste testkvass reviewchefs reviewkitchen gadgets 2022global ingredients
Description: Today we look at more incredible global ingredients that our chef Ben had NEVER KNEW EXISTED until recently!! Have you heard of or cooked with any of them before? TRY SIDEKICK FOR FREE. CHANGE YOUR LIFE: Here are the ingredients we reviewed: Kokum: Nopales: Shredded Jellyfish: Kvass: (A little more on Sidekick if you care…) - Discover Smarter Recipe Packs - 3x delicious recipes, 1x simple shopping list - Cut out food waste - share ingredients across recipes so nothing gets wasted - Smash your cooking - plan, shop and cook like a chef, no effort required. - Start your 1 month free trial today: If you’re looking for a way to help those affected by the situation in Ukraine, join us in supporting the #CookForUkraine campaign. Whether it’s raising awareness or donating money, every bit helps. All proceeds will be directed to UNICEF UK’s Ukraine appeal, supporting children and families. Get info on how to support the campaign here: #SortedFood #TasteTest #Foodie